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In its essence, an entry is a data object holding text information.
Every entry can be extended by several different features, e.g. a scheduled date , a status , or even acts as a view by utilizing input and output features.
Every piece of text in Pensive actually is such an entry , even the anchored menu items at the top.
To really bring your productivity to the next level, you can link different entries together to create complex workflows and routines.

Values of Entries:

Possible Values
any text
created at
is setis not setgtgteeqneqltelt
relative dateabsolute date
updated at
is setis not setgtgteeqneqltelt
relative dateabsolute date


In order to manage and track tasks, entries must be assigned a status for them to receive a checkbox to interact with.
After that, toggle the status for the entry to mark it as completed, which also sets the completed at value to now.
Of course, you can also modify the completed at value manually by clicking on it, e.g. when you forgot to tick an entry off in the past.

Values of Status:

Possible Values
is setis not seteqneqanynot any
available statusses
completed at
is setis not setgtgteeqneqltelt
relative dateabsolute date


Another basic feature is the scheduled state for an entry to get a date and time. This is a necessity in order plan a solid todo list for your day , week and so on.
You can modify the values of both fields to relative or absolute values by clicking on them.

Values of Schedule:

Possible Values
is setis not setgtgteeqneqltelt
relative dateabsolute date
is setis not setgtgteeqneqltelt
relative timeabsolute time
is setis not setgtgteeqneqltelt
relative timeabsolute time
is setis not set


Handy feature to add more information to an entry.
Supports Markdown.

Values of Description:

Possible Values
is setis not seteqneq
any text


For additional structure, you can utilize the priority feature.
To stay compliant with the priority levels of other applications there are 4 to choose from:
1 (urgent),
2 (high),
3 (normal),
4 (low).

Please keep in mind, that entries which have no priority at all will be sorted as 3.5 (therefore - when sorting via priority - showing after entries with priority 3 but before entries with priority 4)

Values of Priority:

Possible Values
is setis not setgtgteeqneqltelt


In order to have a input field in your entry it needs the input feature. Adding it will show a input field, and entries added into this field will (by default) link the new entry to the current one.

This way you can quickly create lists.

Furthermore you can modify the parameters of the input, e.g. letting the input field always create entries with a completion state and scheduled date which can come quite handy for entries that should serve as a Daily Todos List.

The possibilities here enable some really complex workflows.


If you would like to have an entry show a list of other entries , you need to make use of the output feature.

By default the output will list every entry linked to the current entry which will result in your typical entry with sub-entries list , but can be modified to create complex views and lists, e.g. a Daily Todos List, which outputs all entries with a completion state and scheduled date of today. Or a typical Inbox List, which lists up all entries you want to organize later.

The second example image shows all entries which are scheduled today, do have a completion state and are completed today.
If this makes sense or not is debatable, but it demonstrates the possibilities, which are even more powerful when utilizing the linking feature.


Having an entry do output other entries, you sometimes want to further sort the list. The sorting feature is what you want.
Sortable fields are name, creation/updation date, schedule, priority and completion .


The anchoring feature lets you put the entry into the menu bar at the top.
You can use the arrows to move it freely between other anchored entries.

Values of Anchor:

Possible Values
is setis not set


This feature is a combination of the completion and scheduling features and runs automatically.
Everytime a non-completed entry will get a new scheduled date while having a scheduled date which lies in the past, a procrastination counter will start to appear and count upwards. This is purely cosmetic, although you can filter by its value.

Completing an entry will delete the procrastination, but it will reappear again on the next procrastination 😉.

Values of Procrastination:

Possible Values
is setis not setgtgteeqneqltelt
any numeric value
You can link one entry to another entry. Either by utilizing this in the input feature, or by manually adding an entry to the list of linked entries.
Linked entries will show themselves right under the "main" entry itself. This will create complex and unique "perspectives" on your lists and entries.

Additionally, by using this concept, Pensive will show actionable buttons under each entry giving you a quick option to apply one entries input to an entry of another list. (This way you can quickly move single or all entries from one entry to another!)

This way, you can create complex workflows. To further understand this concept, check the routines of our best practices.
Inside a list, linked entries will be listed right next to the entries name, seperated by bullet points.


You can monitor the state of entries with the help of senses. In the filters sections you can define filters for the sense to take into account.
You may then use so-called aggregates to calculate a value for the sense. This value can then be used to trigger a the overall status of the sense: Good (Green) / Bad (Red).
This can give you a quick overview of the state of your entries and where you need to take action.


Just like a habit tracker you can monitor the completion state of given entries over time.